The Journal #1

by Rhonda, October 09, 2023

I would like to thank both of my readers who read this blog on a regular basis.  Although you are likely related to me, it still makes me feel good to know there's an audience out there.  

Today, for my dear readers, I want to give you some encouragement from the pages of my journal.  I wanted to share with you some of the things I've written down as I went through my divorce. I needed to hear that God loved me over and over.  While I wrote these items down for myself, they apply to you, too.  

So, here we go.  From the pages of my journal to you, I hope you find it helpful:

God loves you so much.  He knows you are struggling, whether it is mentally or physically.  But you can trust Him through the process.  He will lead you, there's no need to force anything.  If something small and meaningless is bothering you, remember that you are far too important to allow something like this to trip you up.  Don't allow small things to cause any further disruption to your life.  After all, you have nothing to be insecure about.  You can rest in God's arms.  

It is time to enjoy the fruits of your hard labor rather than worrying all of them away.  Worrying is a fear-driven response, and remember that fear is nothing but a mirage.  So, why let the mirage of fear steal your joy?  That's the true tragedy, not the thing you fear.  

So, let us be peaceful.  Remember, not everyone always has to agree with you, and its okay if they don't.  You can't require that in order to have peace.  It will steal your joy one hundred percent of the time because no one is agreed with all of the time, not even the Son of God who lived his entire life without sin.  If not everyone agreed with Him, how can you expect everyone to agree with you?  You must give this up.

You are so loved by your Savior.  Your power and confidence grow as a result of following the leading of the Holy Spirit.  God not only loves you, but He is tremendously proud of you.  Look at your progress!  Your family has a joyful future because you are choosing to be obedient to Christ.  You are changing lives around you every time you obey God.  You are a hero.  You are a warrior.  It is quite an undertaking but it is who you are designed to be.  God wants to deliver you from fear, from anything that holds you back from being what He designed you to be.  

You are brave, generous, kind, and you care for others.  God designed you for this, not anxiety, depression and fear.  So much of anxiety and depression is being held back from your divine design.  God is not at all interested in his children living defeated lives.  So, run the race He has set in front of you.  Part of His design for your race is joy. 

Don't get stuck in the past.  Don't back to the old ways because it feels familiar.  God loves you.  He is going to do great things through you.  Don't listen to the naysayers.  They don't know what you know.  They don't have the joy that you have.  They cannot possibly understand what you are called to.  But God knows.  God understands.  And that's all that matters.  When those who should love you doubt you, it hurts.  No one knows this like Jesus.  But, sweet daughter, it doesn't change your calling and it doesn't change your God.  He is the same.  He loves you.  

So, let's go.  Its time to change the world.  

You've always wanted to do it anyway.

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